
In Matthew 28:18-20 Jesus said, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” (NASB)

Our desire is that women empower women through discipleship and friendship. Whatever stage of Christian faith you are in, WonderWomen Ministries would like to help you grow and mature into effective disciples of Jesus Christ.

Through a two-way discipleship (each person actively imparting to the other), we learn how to love God and others at a deeper level, value each part of the body of Christ, and build strong unity among believers. We each have something to impart, so why not get started in a discipleship relationship today?

Begin by filling out this form.

Please select the area in which you are prepared to disciple other women.
If your area of expertise was not listed above, please use this area to tell us areas of discipleship in which you would like to help other women.


A disciple of Jesus Christ is to make disciples

Read Matt 28:19

Read Titus 2:3-older women are to teach the younger


We must move from the principle to the action. Don’t idealize the concept and principle. Instead, minister from the presence rather than principle. You can learn consistently principle after principle, but until action accompanies the concept, it remains only theory. The real earth shakers are those who take the principle, over come their fears and apply the principle by faith with action. The question is how much knowledge have I been entrusted with that for the sake of my fears, inabilities or doubts, I have not applied these concepts in my own life in order to see the principle become a reality. This awareness of my downfall is not only challenging to my mind, but to the very core of my being. I realize that I need to start applying what I am learning. For if I desire to live in the realm of the impossible becoming reality, then, I must deny the very thing that keeps me from the application of the knowledge of the truth of that reality.


It is impossible to move consistently in the realm of authority unless you are operating with a renewed mind. You know your mind is renewed when the impossible looks logical. Learn to see from what we are experiencing.


Most of what you need in life will be brought to you, most of what you want in life you will have to go get.


Quarterly commitment


Power is catching a wave, authority is starting a wave. Be warned against any teaching on the sovereignty of God that makes you a spectator.


Our desire is that we get to a place of women empowering women through discipleship and friendship. We each have something to impart to someone else. The question, are we willing to make the time to do so. We must move from the principle to action. We must stop idealizing the concept only. Instead, we must minister from the presence rather than principle. What does this mean? It means people can learn consistently principle after principle, but until action accompanies the concept, it remains only theory. The real earth shakers are those who take the principle, over come their fears and apply the principle by faith with action. The question is, how much knowledge have I been entrusted with that for the sake of my fears, inabilities or doubts, I have not applied these concepts in my own life in order to see the principle become a reality? This awareness of my downfall is not only challenging to my mind, but to the very core of my being. I realize that I need to start applying what I am learning. For if I desire to live in the realm of the impossible becoming reality, then, I must deny the very thing that keeps me from the application of the knowledge of the truth of that reality.

What if you believe that you have nothing to offer anyone? Let me challenge you to examine the Word of God more closely. For we are not of our old nature, all things have become new when we receive Christ. We need to apply the revelation that the fullness of the resurrected Christ lives and reigns through us. The only thing that is stopping that fullness to come out of us is ourselves. We must choose to yield to Him. We must choose to believe completely that is not of ourselves that does the supernatural, but it is Him through us. When we can grasp this revelation that we are the carrying vessel of the creator of the universe who so desperately desires to reveal Himself to a world that needs Him, it is at this point that we truly become His hands, feet, eyes, arms and the fullness of Him extended to others. A Wonderwomen is not only full of His power, but is one who releases His power to others. We need to start seeing the impossible as possible. It is possible to empower another woman by revealing to her the truth of God’s word and the practical application of it. How do we change the world? We change it one person at a time.

Upon the truth that we each have something to offer and that we are told to teach other women (Titus 2), I believe God wants us to start applying what we believe. Therefore, if you have a special gift, talent and/or overcoming strength in an area that you would like to impart (Romans 1:11) to another women, now is your opportunity to impart it. Please respond back to me by replying to this email your desires on what you would like to teach to another woman. To be more specific, physical and emotional healing, faith, miracles, deliverance, financial prosperity, serving, encouragement, hospitality, marriage, children, business, how to study the word of God, etc. are just a few of the needs of other women. We want to connect women through discipleship relationships that will empower her to be all she is for Jesus Christ.

Do you have a need to be trained, taught, prayed for, and empowered by the Word of God in a certain area? Now is your opportunity. Please email me back specifically with your need for discipleship and we will connect you, with your permission, with someone whom you feel comfortable with in helping you.

The discipleship commitment will be for a three month period of time. In that time period the teacher and disciple will get together at a minimum of once a week, either by phone or in person. Goals will be set and applied over that time period. Each Wonderwoman should consider teaching and being discipled.

God has been speaking to my heart, “It’s all about relationship.” He desires us to apply the two greatest commandments. Love the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and love your neighbor as yourself. These are two greatest commandments. All the law and the prophets hinge on these two. Imagine if we could start living our lives around these two commandments how differently we and the world around us would become. We are atmosphere changers! We have the power to bring the good news to all those we encounter and we can purpose to set up time for those encounters just like Jesus did with His disciples. He did not hold the disciples at a distance, but choose to live life among them. After leading by this example, He then instructed them to go and do the same. Matt 28:18-20 18 And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. 19Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,

 20teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” What has God taught you? Are you making disciples by teaching them to observe all that He has taught you? Here is your opportunity to be strengthened and be used for His glory. Will you accept the challenge? Will you seize the opportunity? We will be setting up discipleship relationships over the next two weeks. I need immediate response to all those who are interested. Thanks. You women are awesome. You are Wonderwomen!


Love ya,
