Network of Ministries



Fathers Heart Ministry



taking love to the streets-joni

Taking Love to the Streets

Romans 5:8 But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

Taking Love to the Streets, a WonderWomen Ministries local missions outreach, is a ministry with a simple, but powerful goal of demonstrating the love of Jesus to anyone that we come across on the streets. Since the ministry’s founder, Joni Reid, lives in Las Vegas, the formal outreach takes place on the first Friday of each month in downtown Las Vegas on Fremont Street. However, carrying the love of Jesus to strangers is something that occurs any day and time of the week and is not limited to a set place. We believe that God will provide opportunities to reveal His love even to an unfamiliar person even at the grocery store. We, therefore, pray for and seek opportunities as we go about our daily lives. We are God’s eyes, His hands, His mouth and His heart. We have been blessed to be able to bring His love for humanity in a tangible way. We believe that all His sons & daughters have the ability to hear His voice and that, as His children, we have been given the unique privilege of communicating His unending love. Whether you are bold and eager or shy and a bit timid, if you have a heart to share the love of Jesus, this ministry opportunity is for you. Please contact us to join us on an upcoming outreach.

Exodus 15:13
13 “In your unfailing love you will lead the people you have redeemed. In your strength you will guide them to your holy dwelling.

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make the contact us go to a form and send an email to Joni, then person should be connected to the TLTTS group on Facebook

Joni-Add more photos that she wants






I am in Beni (not Banana, Goma or Bunia), Nord Kivu Province (Near Province Orientale) Democratic Republic of Congo. It is in eastern DRC.

The people groups to which the Lord has sent are the Efe, Sua and Mbuti of the Bambuti (and associated Bantu people) in the Ituri Forest of the Democratic Republic of Congo. This people group, commonly called Pygmies, are the “least of these My brethren” the Lord has been talking11026038_10206589533765793_2552306554558662222_n to me about. They are smaller than, and inevitably slaves to some degree or other to, their Bantu neighbors. Their average life span is either 18 or 24 years, according to different sources. While there used to be millions of Efe, their numbers were reduced to 75,000 just a few decades ago and eve lower now (reported numbers vary per tribe). War, alcohol, money, marijuana, rape, AIDS, deforestation, genocide, systematic discrimination, respiratory and other diseases and the loss of game in their hunting ground have decimated this people group. This people group seem to be targeted for destruction.

Some of their Bantu neighbors, upon which they depend for typical staple items, commonly view Pygmies as animals or subhuman. This view is common, pervasive and has old and deep roots. For example, Belgian colonial authorities exported Pygmy children to zoos throughout Europe, including the world’s fair in the United States in 1907.

During the long DR Congo civil war, which took more lives than any war in history except WWII, both sides of the conflict hunted, killed and ate Pygmies. Their flesh was sold in the marketplace. Not long ago, even presidential candidates of DRC and/or Sudan stated publicly (but later recanted) that they had eaten Pygmy meat. Most Congolese Christians do not even entertain the idea of doing outreaches to the Pygmies; because, even most Christians in the area view them as animals or subhuman or of a different species.

Some Pygmies still roam in the jungle of the Congo defenseless and naked except for some coverings made of bark. Congo is the rape capital of the world according to the UN. Girls are sometimes pregnant by eight. Since poverty is extremely prevalent in the Pygmy communities, sexual exploitation of indigenous women has become a common practice. Commercial sex has been bolstered by logging, which often places large groups of male laborers in camps which are set up in close contact with the Pygmy communities. There is a belief that sex with a Pygmy woman can rid a man of HIV. This myth places these women at high risk for HIV exposure. Other myths include eating Pygmy flesh can confer magical powers and invincibility in battle.

Because of deforestation, Pygmies have been pushed into populated areas to join the formal economy, working as casual laborers or on commercial farms and being exposed to new diseases. This shift has brought them into closer contact with neighboring ethnic communities whose HIV levels are generally higher. This has led to the spread of HIV/AIDS into the pygmy group.

The DRC government and other governments refuse identity cards, deeds to land, health care and proper schooling as though these peoples do not officially exist. Access to health care, medicine and education (if it exists) is further refused due to lack of ID cards and money. They are subjected to discriminatory and humiliating treatment if access to these systems is attempted. The Hutus of the Interahamwe, wish to eliminate the Pygmy and take the resources of the forest as a military conquest, using the resources of the forest for military as well as economic advancement. Since the Pygmies rely on the forest for their physical as well as cultural survival, as these forests disappear, so do the Pygmy.

According to Minority Rights Group International there is extensive evidence of mass killings, cannibalism and rape of Pygmies in a campaign of extermination against pygmies. Although they have been targeted by virtually all the armed groups, much of the violence against Pygmies is attributed to the rebel group, the Movement for the Liberation of Congo, which is part of the transitional government and still controls much of the north, and their allies. And, a cannibal group known as Les Effaceurs (“the erasers”) wants to clear the land of people to open it up for mineral exploitation.

The foregoing is apparently the worst of the problems and may not appropriately reflect an average case and there are many exceptions. Edwin Busigne, a former associate said that the Pygmies are “struggling to survive”. And, according to the American University, “Deforestation has greatly affected their everyday lives. Pygmy culture is threatened today by the forces of political and economic change. In recent times, this has manifested itself into an open conflict over the resources of the tropical rain-forest, it is a conflict that the Pygmy are losing.”

The Lord has called me “Love More” prophetically. I do not love any more than Abram was the father of many nations when the Lord first called him Abraham. But, the Lord will fulfill what He has said over me and I will,

Love More

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Glory Addict Chronicles

glory-addict-chronicles-logo is the home of the Glory Addict Chronicles audio and video podcast, the story of two women’s passionate pursuit of the presence of God. It has developed into a resource for global glory addicts, with confessions, several teaching series, and a wide variety of products for spiritual growth and development. The heart behind the podcast is to help others understand the simplicity of accessing the Kingdom of God. We promote intimate fellowship with the Holy Trinity through praise and worship, intercessory prayer, Bible study, and an intense focus on Matthew 6:33. We remember and remind you that “true seekers will find” (Matthew 7:7). After experiencing our personal journeys, we are sure that all who embrace and encounter God’s glory will become addicted to it. Perhaps when you do, you’d like to share your story with us.

Join the family of global Glory Addicts through social media:
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God’s FRIDAY Girl


Because by Friday our stores of strength and resolve are often depleted, every sister needs a reminder of who she is in Christ. Who is a FRIDAY Girl? She is a:

Daughter of

I think that’s you! Each Friday you will receive a short reminder of just what God thinks about you! There are two ways to connect with us:

  1. Send an e-mail to and ask to be added to the weekly e-mailing list
  2. LIKE God’s Friday Girl on Facebook

Greater Works Unlimited

Who: Gary and Pat Richards
Online Journal:


    • A passion to pursue God’s will for our lives is our hearts’ strongest purpose.
    • Through personal mentoring we motivate others to live with the same passion.
    • Our desire is to see souls saved – and God’s people walk in the fullness of His abundant life. Saved – Healed – Delivered – Victorious.

Why: Thoughts from Gary’s Heart

“Where there is no vision, the people perish” Proverbs 29:18

While in South East Asia earlier this year, the Lord put a vision within my heart that I cannot shake. Evangelism is at the heart of our ministry and will always be.

However, while ministering to the Christian Burmese refugees in Kuala Lumpur and families living in extreme poverty at an abandoned Dog Shelter in Myanmar, I was hit with the reality that the Gospel is more than words.

In Matthew 25:35-36, Jesus said, “For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in. I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.”

Words will never feed an empty stomach. People are perishing because of a lack of safe drinking water, proper shelter, sufficient food and proper hygiene.

The vision the Lord laid upon my heart was to provide for their immediate physical needs so they will be open to receive the love of Jesus!

Heaven’s Open Door

Heaven’s Open Door is a gathering of people who are in passionate pursuit for God encounters. As we participate in Open Heaven, we encourage one another to actively experience Jesus Christ in Knowing Him and His presence in a greater way. “Show me your Glory” is the cry from our hearts, as we come together in prayer, praise, worship, exhortation and activation. We meet in our home on the 2nd and 5th Saturday of the month at 6:45 PM. For more information you can follow us on our Facebook page – Heaven’s Open Door.

Sound of Many Waters Prophetic Ministries – India


Supports over 15 % of the world’s population. 1.12 billion!
Median age is 25, one of the youngest among large economic countries.

Hindu 80.5 %
Muslim 13.4 %
Christianity 2.3%
Sikh 1.9 %

Mike and Megha Gutknecht are founders of “Sound of Many Waters Prophetic Ministry” established in 2006. Mike has been ministering in India since 2000. He met Megha, a native Indian, while in India and they were married in 2002. Their son Jeremiah, was born in 2005. Micah was born in 2011. The family resides in India, pastoring My Father’s House – Siliguri, traveling and ministering in every part of India as well as other nations.